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Lic. # 345864
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Design Services

Design Services

Our designers will work side-by-side with your project manager to help you select the perfect products for your home, office, or commercial project.

From Concept to Reality


We understand that every property has its unique character and requirements, which is why we always take a personalized approach to every project we undertake. Our designer will discuss your style, preferences, and budget to recommend the perfect flooring options for you. With in-home measurements, our experts ensure precision, helping you avoid overbuying or underestimating materials.

Designer Services


Bay Area Floors offers design space at each of our locations to ensure that there is adequate room to create your dream project. These spaces include a designated meeting space, TV, and a wide verity of samples readily available.

3D Visualization


We provide a range of services to customize your experience including the creation of CAD layouts, 3D visualizations, and conceptual mood boards with in-house samples. Additionally, we specialize in determining optimal area rug sizing and offer tailored customization options to meet your specific needs and preferences.

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